Who is E-Commerce Design and WooCommerce Development for?
Who is e-commerce and WooCommerce website design and development for? Anyone wanting to sell products or services online, including:
• Business to business (B2B).
• Business to customer (B2C).
So, what is next? Simply contact us to discuss your needs and goals or head over to our packages page to get started immediately.
Big City Tech – Small Town Service – E-Commerce: Marketing and SEO Experts
We have some of the best e-commerce brains and the fastest and most diligent coders in the business. Combine them with our marketing geniuses and snazzy copywriters. What else could you want? How about a company founder who works directly with clients? Big city tech and small country town service are why we are Sydney’s top team.
Websites that do exactly what they are meant to do – attract clientele and convert.
Do I Really Need to Worry About E-Commerce? Yes, and This is Why
99% of Australians are online and 91% of us are using our mobile phones surf the web and shop(*3).
To be competitive online, websites must be:
• SEO rich.
• Well-built.
• Fully functional.
• Fully secured.
• Download fast.
• Fully responsive.
Australian’s love making transactions on their phones rather than computers! Get a Free Quote Now
We Will Set You Up with an E-Commerce Site That is Easy to Update and Maintain
We Will Set You Up with an E-Commerce Site That is Easy to Update and Maintain
Trying to fix back-end issues on your website can be a nightmare if you don’t know what you are doing. Plus, it is valuable time taken away from your business, friends, and family. The last thing you want is to have to pay an IT person to run your e-commerce site. There is no return on investment in that.
Navigation, clarity on what you are purchasing, how to buy it, what payment methods are accepted, what shipping is available and critical things like returns and guarantees. These must all be clear and easy to find from the outset. – Senka (Founder, Top 10 Organic SEO)
Effortless E-Commerce and WooCommerce Website Design & Development
Our breadth of experience includes website design and development, digital marketing and white hat search engine optimisation (SEO). We know that you cannot successfully do one without the others.
• Multi-faceted digital agency.
• Sydney’s top web developers, marketing, and SEO specialists.
• Complete custom solutions.
• Cyber security – safe, secure sites for you and your customers.
• High performance.
• Responsive design to ensure customers can make purchases on any device.
• Greater conversion rates.
• Results that will excite you and deliver return on investment.
How Often Do You Buy Online?
Why Do You Leave Certain Websites and Look Elsewhere?
Anyone can have a website. However, websites that convert are professionally designed and built. Take a second to think about what drives you to make a purchase online.
• Have you ever left an e-commerce site that took too long to load?
• Have you ever struggled to find ‘your cart’?
• Have you ever had problems checking out and making a payment?
• Have you ever wondered how much shipping will be but can’t find an answer until you reach the checkout?
• Have you ever had a question about a product or service but could not find the answer or find where to get help?
At 70%, Australian Cart Abandonment Rates are the Highest in the World
Australians are world leaders in abandoning their carts at the last moment(*4). 70% of Australians fill up their online shopping carts and then do not complete checkout(*5). According to Canstar(*5), cart abandonment is primarily due to:
• Shipping prices being more than expected.
• Items being out of stock.
• Delivery times being too long.
Straightforward E-Commerce Solutions
For straightforward e-commerce solutions that work, get in touch. We are based in Sydney and regularly work with local Sydneysiders, interstate businesses and global companies. We will gladly offer a free quote or if you want to get started immediately, choose one of our packages.
What You Get:
• Website, marketing, and SEO experts at your fingertips.
• Decades of experience.
• Personalised service and advice.
• SEO friendly e-commerce website.
• WooCommerce integration.
• Secure (HTTPS) website for safe transactions.
Get a Free Quote Now
*1. Nadella, S in Spataro, J. 2 Years Of Digital Transformation In 2 Months. Microsoft. 2020.
*2. Boys, R. Inside Australian Online Shopping: eCommerce Industry Report. Australia Post. 2021.
*3. ACMA. ACMA Consumer Survey: Trends in Online Behaviour and Consumer Usage. 2020.
*4. CMO Staff. Report: Australia's Retailers Suffer Worst Cart Abandonment in the World. CMO. 2016.
*5. Waraker, S. Cart Abandonment: Ever ‘Ghosted’ Your Shopping Cart Online? Here’s Why We Do It. Canstar. 2021.