Press Release Writing: Get Your PR Marketing & SEO All in One Place

Announce major shifts, developments or product releases with compelling and succinct
press releases written by professionals.

Press Release Content Writing, inclusive of SEO Marketing Services. Get Your PR Marketing & SEO All in One Place

Australian news and media outlets, and digital publications love receiving high quality press releases. Bolster your content marketing and SEO with well-written press releases. Quickly capture attention and effectively share your message. You get much more than just a basic one-pager on your latest announcement. Our press release writing services incorporate years of experience in copywriting, marketing, and SEO. Not only do they deliver your latest news, but our press releases are also:

• Written by PR experts.
• 100% original content.
• Thoroughly edited and proofread.
• Distributed through multiple channels.
• Targeted towards your audience.
• Written to satisfy all publication/journalism requirements. 

Our press release writing services are one of the many written services offered to our clients. Learn about our content marketing services here. If you are not sure if press releases are the best route for your business, talk to our digital consulting team.

Call (02) 9569 6580 or email

Press Release Content Writing, inclusive of SEO Marketing Services. Get Your PR Marketing

Sydney’s Press Release Writing Services

1.   What are Press Releases?
2.   What is Included in a Press Release?
3.   What can be Shared in Press Releases?
4.   Who Writes Press Releases?
5.   What Can Press Releases Do For Your Business?

What are Press Releases?

Press releases are used to announce major shifts, developments, personnel acquisitions, and product releases made by a company. They are public relations notices sent out to various news and media outlets, and other publications. There are also many digital publications looking to share the latest news in your industry.

What is Included in a Press Release?

They are usually about one page long and should be compelling and succinct(*1,2). Press releases must include all relevant facts, statistics, information, and contact details relating to your announcement and company.

What Can Be Shared in Press Releases?

From new products, team members, company changes, upcoming events and launches (including digital launches) to how your business is responding to sustainability or COVID-19. So long as the information is useful, accurate and newsworthy, it can be featured in a press release(*2).

Who Writes Press Releases?

We do! Well, our copywriters and PR professionals write our press releases. Copywriters are relied upon to create engaging content for a wide range of uses. From website content such as product pages, blogs to media releases (and much more). They have professional experience and a gift for the gab! They know what journalists and publications want in a press release and they deliver.

What Can Press Releases Do For My Business?

The short answer is that press releases are another way to bring attention to your company. When done right, they are often the first snowball that can become an avalanche of positive attention for your business.

Press Release Content Writing, inclusive of SEO Marketing Services. Get Your PR Marketing

To expand on that, press releases are generally not read by the public at large (for example, your potential client or customer base). Instead, they go to news media and publications. If those media outfits and publications deem your press release interesting, they will highlight it in their:

• Broadcasts.
• Print and digital publications.
• Bogs.
• Social media posts.
• YouTube videos.
• Podcasts, and other media.

Press Releases Help With Search Engine Optimisation

Most of this media attention will include links to your website. When someone searches online for a business in your field, the increased traffic on those links will help your website rank higher in Google’s search engine results. More on SEO here.

Press Releases Are Efficient Marketing Tools

Press Release Content Writing, inclusive of SEO Marketing Services.

Press releases are relished by journalists and fact-checkers because all your business information is contained in the release. This makes their jobs easier when they want to gather your information before releasing it to the public. Publications do not have a lot of time to read long press releases. So, it is important to keep the content interesting, factual and to the point. 

Organic Top 10 SEO follows all Australian guidelines for press writing(*3). We are proud to both create and distribute impactful press releases for Australian and international brands, businesses, and companies.

Contact us here to discuss your press release writing needs or by phone: (02) 9569 6580.



*1. Roos, D. How Press Releases Work. How Stuff Works. N.d.
*2. Bitesize. Writing Features, Reviews and Press Releases. BBC. 2022.
*3. Australian Press Council. Standards of Practice. 2022.

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