On Page SEO packages
Page One Results Achieved for All Business Owners
On Page SEO Packages and Advanced Services for Ecommerce Websites
On Page Search Engine Optimization refers to;
Not optimising your website for on page SEO is akin to building a beautiful house and never opening the front door. There has never been a more crucial time than now to invest in on page SEO packages and open the doors of your business to your local area, country and the world. Organic Top 10 SEO based in Sydney can help you make your online presence a reality that gets results.
Once you have your website design complete with branding, logos, fonts, and you have your hosting organised, you will be ready to have daily traffic, emails, phone calls, and conversions. Going ‘live’ is an exciting time however it can be deflating to discover that no-one is visiting your website. Have you wasted all your time and money? Absolutely not. The final piece of the puzzle is SEO, notably on page SEO.
Top 10 Organic SEO in Sydney offers three on page SEO packages and we are always happy to work with you to tailor make a plan that will suit your business, online goals and budget. If you would like to jump straight in, please click on the links below or get in touch with our founder, Senka here.
The ‘What’, ‘How’ and ‘Why’ of SEO
Organic SEO search for small, medium and large business
The ‘What’
The ‘What’ section is a little bit like a glossary but in plain English, so it is easy for everyone to understand.
On Page Search Engine Optimization refers to;
Search Engine Optimisation or as it is more commonly known, SEO is the process of applying methods to best optimise web pages to ensure they rank highly on search engine results pages (SERPs). The most popular search engine by far is Google followed by others including Yahoo and Bing. The aim of SEO is to have websites rank on page one of Google’s SERPs. That is, to show up in search results on the very first page of Google.
Paid SERP rankings versus organic SEO. On all results pages, you will find a few results at the top of the page with the ‘ad’ flag. This means that the result has been paid for. Put simply, these ads do not receive nearly as many clicks as the organic results below them. They still have their merits, but organic SEO is the priority as it is delivering big results. In fact, organic results receive 94% of all clicks (Chaffey 2018).
Algorithms are mentioned a lot in the SEO world. Behind the curtains of every single search made, are hundreds of thousands of servers and computers (artificial intelligence) indexing and sorting every website in the world in real time. In less than a second data around the world is located that fits with your search query to give you your search results.
The ‘How’
We are your leading SEO professionals. In order to have a website and/or it’s specific web pages to rank highly, Google’s algorithms need to see it as a trusted, reliable, authoritative, popular and user-friendly website source. The methods applied during SEO have been designed to satisfy the algorithms and as a result – see your website ranked highly. Contact us to discuss which SEO package will be best for you and we will also gladly answer any questions you have.
The ‘Why’
SEO is critical for a page one result. Globally in March 2019, Google held 92.46% (StatCounter 2019a) of the share of online web searches while Australians chose Google 94.98% (StatCounter 2019b) of the time.
Pages two and three of search engine results only receive 5.59% of the traffic as 71.33% (Petrescu 2014) of people find a result on page one. Rarely do people click next to go to pages two and three. Furthermore, the number of people clicking on the 5th result on page one drops by 25% (Mangles 2018) compared to the number one organic result.
Some interesting information for people who like data:
More people (3.5 billion) use Google every day (Internet Live Stats 2019) than the number of people who: watched the season 8 premiere of Game of Thrones (17.4 million) (Foreman 2019); do not have clean drinking water (663 million) (CDC 2017) or; tuned in to the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games (1.5 billion) (Jones 2018).
In fact, the biggest data we could find for comparison was the number of people who have internet access globally. That was 3.9 billion people (ITU 2018) with most of those people being in the developed world.
Of the 3.9 billion people who have internet access globally, 3.5 billion of them use Google every day!

Why is SEO important for your business’ website? SEO done right.
Organic SEO Sydney’s on page SEO packages put your business exactly where it ought to be! Page one – right in front of the 94% of Australians using Google to find businesses like yours. Your current and future customers are online. It is time to join them.
Contact us with any questions! We are looking forward to hearing from you and working alongside you to get your website on page one!
References • CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) 2017, Assessing Access to Water & Sanitation, CDC, viewed 28 April 2019, www.cdc.gov/healthywater/global/assessing.html#one. • Chaffey, D 2018, Comparison of Google Clickthrough Rates by Position, Smart Insights, viewed 28 April 2019, www.smartinsights.com/search-engine-optimisation-seo/seo-analytics/comparison-of-google-clickthrough-rates-by-position/. • Foreman, A 2019, A Ridiculous Number of People Watched the ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Premiere, Mashable, viewed 28 April 2019, www.mashable.com/video/battle-of-winterfell-predictions/. • Internet Live Stats 2019, Google Search Statistics, Internet Live Stats, viewed 28 April 2019, https://www.internetlivestats.com/google-search-statistics/. • ITU (International Telecommunication Union) News 2018, New ITU Statistics Show More Than Half The World is Now Using the Internet, ITU, viewed 28 April 2019, www.news.itu.int/itu-statistics-leaving-no-one-offline/. • Jones, K 2018, Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games by Numbers, Queensland Government, viewed 28 April 2019, http://statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2018/5/1/gold-coast-2018-commonwealth-games-by-numbers. • Packaging by absolutecolour.com.au • Mangles, C 2018, Search Engine Statistics 2018, Smart Insights, viewed 28 April 2019, www.smartinsights.com/search-engine-marketing/search-engine-statistics/. • Petrescu, P 2014, Google Organic Click-Through Rates in 2014, Moz, viewed 28 April 2019, www.moz.com/blog/google-organic-click-through-rates-in-2014. • StatCounter 2019a, Search Engine Market Share Worldwide, StatCounter, online image, viewed 28 April 2019, www.gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share. • StatCounter 2019b, Search Engine Market Share Australia, StatCounter, online image, viewed 28 April 2019, www.gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/australia.