Angela Rose Photography

Our Partner
Angela Rose Photography. Their website is The purpose of their website is to generate Wedding Photography portfolio and service promotion.
The Story
We’ve talked previously about long-term gains made by the websites we’ve built for clients. And while long-term planning is essential for an SEO strategy to truly take hold it’s understandable if you, as a business-owner, would like to see some happy results in less than nine months to a year. So today let’s take a look at one of the more recent sites we’ve worked on – Angela Rose Photography.
The fantastically talented photographer Angela Rose contacted us because she had two goals for her website that were currently not being met:
To have an expansive, easy-to-use, and aesthetically pleasing portfolio to show her work to its fullest. Easy to browse on all smart phones.
To gain traffic.
Angela had previously created a website on her own but it wasn’t quite living up to her expectations. Additionally, it wasn’t drawing in visitors who could be converted to paying clients.
Form and Function
First things first – the Top 10 SEO team set about getting into some deep research focusing on Angela’s competition. As always our goal here was to see what they were doing right and what they were doing that we could improve upon. Furthermore, we wanted to create a site for Angela that was all of its own and wasn’t a cookie-cutter copy of other photography websites.
Once an overall design strategy was laid out our coding team hit the keyboards and integrated multiple functions that would show Angela’s gorgeous photos to their fullest, combined with Angela’s own desires about the aesthetics and usability of the site.
Every one of the hundreds of photos is now crystal-clear and incorporates light-box features. Photos are split into easily-accessed galleries. All of the images are now Pinterest-friendly with an incorporated Pin-it button. And each part of every portfolio is mobile-friendly.
As an added Top 10 SEO bonus we created a tutorial video for Angela showing her how to use and maintain her website in the future to make sure she was getting the fullest use out of her brand new site.
Building Traffic
So the website was now lovely and running like a dream. Now it was time to tackle the other half of the equation – building traffic.
The original website had absolutely no SEO built into it at all. If you don’t know what this SEO stuff is, it stands for “Search Engine Optimisation.” At its simplest levels SEO involves trying to gain as much ownership as possible over certain keyword phrases that people would type into Google when they search for a business like yours.
So in the case of Angela’s site some example SEO phrases might be “wedding photographer”, “wedding photography Sydney”, and so on.
Getting more complex, SEO starts delving into some serious expertise that involves knowing how to work with Google’s ranking algorithms.
Happily, Top 10 SEO just happens to be overflowing with such expertise. Which means we were able to begin building SEO-rich content for Angela’s site that started having positive immediate effects – and things are only going to get better as more of our SEO strategy comes online.
The Results
Things are getting pretty exciting on Angela’s website. If you take a look at those lovely graphs over on the side you’ll see that where once Angela’s site was flat-lining, her business has jumped to over 1500 users in just a little bit over two months.
Angela’s stats are climbing across the board – numbers of visitors, numbers of new visitors, you name it, it’s on the rise.
Picture This
You’ve put the time, effort, worry, and money into your business. It’s time to let the world know just how much you have to offer.
We’ll help you get that attention that you deserve. Please give us a call at +61 2 9569 6580 or send us a note via our contact page and let’s have a chat about getting your traffic-friendly website up and running.
Our Partner Angela Rose Photography. Their website is The purpose of their website is to generate Wedding Photography portfolio and service promotion. The Story We’ve talked previously about long-term gains made by the websites we’ve built for clients. And while long-term planning is essential for an SEO strategy to truly take hold it’s understandable […]