Classy Limousines
Our Partner: Classy Limousines
Their website is The purpose of the website is to offer Wedding Car and Limousine Hire to the greater Sydney market.
The Challenge
The lovely people at Classy Limousines relied on us to rebuild their website. The old website they had was very dated, not performing for them and had absolutely no On Page SEO. They were mainly relying on word-of-mouth and referrals from other wedding related businesses.
However they quite understandably wanted to be able to generate their own business leads without having to rely solely on the references given by other businesses.
Launching into action, we took a good hard look at two essential components that go into all of our website builds – what functions our client needed to best enable them to convert visitors into paying customers, and what their competition was up to on the web. Once the foundations of the site were in place, it was time to make sure the aesthetics were given an equal dose of tender loving care. Classy Limousines brand is one of elegance, and every element on every page (font, graphics, car portfolios, text) had to conform to this idea to inform visitors that they had come to the right place to hire one of Sydney’s stylish and classy limousine provider.
As per our usual procedure, once the basics were in place we introduced the client to their new site (before it went live to the public) so they could have as much or as little input as they cared to give in shaping their online presence.
Building Traffic = Visitors converting into Clients
So Classy Limousines had themselves a pleasing, easy-to-use website that runs like a Rolls Royce. Now came Phase Two – getting traffic to the site. A website can be the most beautiful thing ever made on the web, but if it doesn’t have traffic it’s not doing the client any good.
The Wedding Car and Limo Hire competition in and around Sydney is surprisingly competitive. There are a hefty number of companies vying for client dollars. It was going to take equal portions of working smart and working hard in order to get Classy Limousines, soaring in the competitive online market.
Relevant SEO phrases were weighed and considered on the basis of payoff and competition. (If you’re not familiar with SEO and why it’s so important for your website click on this link to find out more) On page SEO (meaning SEO on the website itself) was put into play, positioning the website into the game of winning potential clients’ attention.
Soon after the On page SEO started to take effect, our team focused on different strategies to spread the news about the new Classy Limousines site via the Off Page SEO process (SEO created anywhere other than the actual website, be it online or in real life). All of which leads us to the ultimate question… how is the Classy Limousines website (starting from hardly any traffic, in a competitive market) doing?
The Results
In one word, the answer is “amazing”.
In less than two months Classy Limousines hit number one in Google’s rankings for around 35 keyword phrases with traffic and growing.
The website went from starting at very little traffic, to having visitor numbers in the hundreds in just three months with very good conversions. The emails and phone calls were streaming through. They are now visible on many keywords and expanding. Mind you, all of these wonderful numbers come from organic SEO, none of it being the result of paying for AdWords.
And their website’s traffic? It skyrocketed by 500%!
Do You Want to Build Your Business’ Online Presence?
With these kind of results on an upgrade, we think you should and we want to help you.
Give us a call at +61 2 9569 6580 or send us a note via our contact page and we’ll get started building your business’ online presence today.
Our Partner: Classy Limousines Their website is The purpose of the website is to offer Wedding Car and Limousine Hire to the greater Sydney market. The Challenge The lovely people at Classy Limousines relied on us to rebuild their website. The old website they had was very dated, not performing for them and had […]